This Month’s Special: UltraFlora Spectrum
When it comes to probiotic supplements, what you see isn’t always what you get! Quality is of utmost importance when choosing a probiotic off of the shelf. Be sure to read the fine print – if a probiotic states that it has 5 billion CFU per capsule (for example), check to make sure that means at the time of expiration, not at the time of manufacture. If the bottle can’t confirm that the dose on the labeling is accurate at the time of expiration, there is no knowing how many bacteria are actually in the capsules as it sits on the shelf! It’s best to purchase probiotics from professional supplement companies who choose strains backed by science.
Look for products with at least 10 billion CFU, and that contain both lactobacillus and bifidobacteria strains. UltraFlora Spectrum is an excellent choice – it is potent (30 billion CFU per capsule at time of expiration) and contains a diverse blend of genetically confirmed bacterial strains. It’s a great daily probiotic and can support gastrointestinal and immune health.
Metagenics offers a great portfolio of probiotics with different indications (UltraFlora Control is specifically indicated to support weight loss, for example). For more information about probiotics, click here to download a PDF.
This month, save 20% on all probiotics through Metagenics with code GUT20. Click here to order